Alex Janes

2018, Science

School & Degree:

Memorial University, Science

High School/Cegep:

Prince of Wales Collegiate

City & Province:

St. John's, Newfoundland

Nominated by:

Verna Hancock

What undergraduate program are you enrolled?




What is your favourite inspirational quote?


“It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. – J.K. Rowling”


What is a little known fact about you?


I have been singing, both on my own and in a choir, for over ten years.


Why do you make a great Schulich Leader?


I really want to make a difference, wherever I go. I know that change always has to start with one person, and I’m not opposed to that one person being me. I know that leadership isn’t about being in charge, or being the most important. Leadership is about taking your own ideas and the ideas of the people around you and combining them to make something beautiful.